To my Catered Fit Family,
We are all nearly three weeks into this new chapter of life and it looks eerily dissimilar to the life we knew just a couple months ago. You don’t need me to outline all the same statistics or headlines you’ve come to know about the state of global affairs, but I did feel it was important I reach out to you, this month more than ever, as a reminder that we are here for you.
I launched Catered Fit more than 10 years ago with the mission of bringing healthy, fresh, high quality meals right to people’s homes. Many of you have been with us as we grew. first we went bi-coastal landing in sunny SoCal. Then we launched our weekly regional shipping in January. Now, with the increased numbers of people staying home we knew we needed to expand nationwide, and that’s just what we’ve done. As of two weeks ago Catered Fit is available to everyone within the continental United States.
80% of Americans are currently under stay-at-home orders, and that’s why I take our responsibility and our promise to you more seriously than ever before. I know that now, so many of you use Catered Fit because the idea of going to a grocery store extends beyond just inconvenient, but is actually fear-inducing. We are here, we are working hard, and we are doing it all to keep you and your family fed well during this uneasy time. I’ve never been prouder of my team as they rapidly adapted to a remote operation, with the only people on site being those we consider “essential” (in this case, that doesn’t even include me). Like you put your faith in us, I put my faith in them. We talk a lot about heroes now-a-days, all the people on the front lines. We are proud because we know that not all heroes wear capes, some wear aprons.
If you follow us on social, or have received our recent emails, you will have seen that in addition to opening up service areas nationally, we also have launched some services we thought would help get you and your family through this complicated time. We know that with everyone working from home, the last thing many people want to do is then work from the kitchen. We launched our Family Meals, offering prepared ingredients by the pound. If these Catered Fit staples can make it even a little easier to feed your family, or save you a bit of stress… we’ve done our jobs. We also launched a Quarantine Kit to our daily members out of our South Florida kitchen. A doorstep delivered box containing 20 ready-to-eat vacuum sealed prepared meals,. Allowing people to keep a stock of meals that require only 90 seconds in the microwave, but are shelf-stable in the fridge for up to 21 days and up to a year in the freezer!
We have all had a lot to adjust to— in my own personal life, I have always been a high fivin’, chest bumpin’, butt slappin’, bear huggin’ type of fella. Even at work, there was never a morning when I didn’t walk into the office and do a full lap to say hello and greet everyone with a handshake, fist bump or (my favorite) hand-hug. I was raised in an affectionate household and that urge for close human interaction is hardwired into my brain. Welp, it’s time for a little reprogramming, at least for the time being. I’ve been lucky in my life to travel all over the world, and my experiences over the years have helped me adapt to the new societal norms. In many other cultures shaking hands, casual touching, and even hugging are taboo. For me, I’ve made some adjustments. High fives are now air fives, bear hugs have become bows, and hand washing is now an hourly occurrence. Although honestly, like many of you- the only person I’ve seen in the last few weeks is my wife (Who is British and not bothered by the new social distancing practices at all!). I know I’m not the only one adjusting, but together we can and will adapt to these new norms.
Over the last couple years I have been retraining my brain. I have been making a concerted effort to slow things in my life down and stop more often to appreciate the little things that we often overlook in this world of great excess and abundance. Even though I do my best to slow down… this experience brought things to a screeching halt. I would pride myself on the fact that I appreciate the blue skies and sunshine, but now that appreciation has increased ten-fold. I crave going out to walk my furbaby and taking a couple laps around the block. I hope you, too, are taking this as an opportunity to reset and focus your appreciation. Once the virus passes I am hopeful all of us will have appreciated the over abundance we take for granted. It can feel like a challenge with everything going on, with the concern and fear for the future, but we still have blue skies, fresh air and the knowledge that this too shall pass. I personally take comfort in knowing that nothing is more resilient than the human spirit.
So I am going to close out this email the same way I began. By reminding you that Catered Fit, and myself are here for you. Together we will get through this, we will grow from this, learn from this and tell our great-grandchildren about this. And until the time comes when I can give you a big bearhug (or butt’s your choice) I will just give you my promise that as long as you need us, we will be here providing you a safe, healthy way to eat.
If you need anything, want to share anything, or even if you are just interested in starting a COVID bookclub, feel free to email
Health is Wealth,
Adam Friden
Currently Watching: Tiger King (everything weird has Florida roots)
Currently Reading: Nudge by Richard Thaler