Adam Friden’s July 2019 CEO Note

Welcome back Fit Fam,

It feels like the ink just dried on my last CEO Note and already another month has passed.  July signals that summer is in full swing and one only has to step a single foot outside their front door to feel like we are now living on the surface of the sun! Has it always been this HOT?!? Each month it is my goal to share with you some topics that mean something to me, either from a business perspective or a personal one. (Even though most of the time those two overlap). 

Last month I asked you all for your feedback with something we called “Ask Adam”, and boy- did you come through! My inbox was flooded with messages from our active and expired members asking questions, sharing ideas and in some form just sharing their Catered Fit stories. 

Rate Your Meals

I got an email from a member saying she wished she could rate her meals after she ate them. That it would be the most direct way to provide feedback. Well, she Asked Adam, and I (with the immense help of my incredible team) LISTENED! In your mobile app and on in your member portal you can rate your meals and leave a note about what you loved or maybe even didn’t love. We need to know when something isn’t great, without that we can’t improve. We are here to delight your taste buds and if those buds aren’t dancing, we have work to do. But the only way for us to do this is by you rating your meals in live time.

Paleo Snacks

We heard from more than one paleo member that they always wanted to try our snack add-on plan, but there were no paleo snack options for that met their strict paleo diet. We heard you and we’re excited to announce that we’ve added new paleo snacks to our menu, including paleo versions of some CFIT favorites like our tuna salad!

Discounts for Members

This isn’t exactly a new request, because let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a discount? We try to send out some specials and sweet deals for active members looking to extend their plans and also have some membership discounts for first responders and military personnel. But having so many of you banging down my door (sometimes even literally- see pic below) told me it was time for something BIG. And what is bigger than BLACK FRIDAY IN JULY? Keep an eye out, because that’s exactly what’s coming your way by the end of the month.

This is Boom Boom, a member who knocked on our door 8 years ago and has been family since. Here he is his with our CEO Adam in our Florida HQ where he still stops by on occasion to visit.

I was amazed that when given the opportunity to communicate with me directly, how many of you wanted to share your stories more than just feedback. Listening to and learning how so many of you are re-investing the time you’ve saved by not cooking, cleaning and meal prepping yourselves the impact our service has made on your hectic lives has reinvigorated me in ways that I never could have imagined. It isn’t just via email, a couple weeks ago I got stopped in the gym by a member that recognized my beard and Catered Fit gym swag. He explained to me that he had been on our service for the better part of a year and had lost nearly 100 pounds. His doctor recently described him as “unrecognizable” and said his blood work results were as drastically improved as his physical appearance. Needless to say, I left the gym that day with such a sense of pride in what we do every single day. 

Last week another member emailed my [email protected] to tell me that they had been diagnosed with a severe eating disorder several years ago and that countless other meal plans and dieticians offered little help. They explained that a friend spoke highly of us and convinced him to give us a try. In the six months we have had the honor to serve him he explained that he is finally having a positive experience with food for the first time in his adult life and that we “had changed his life drastically”. 

Another member emailed in to say thanks for selling them the time to finally sit and watch one of their son’s baseball games. My Mom always worked multiple jobs when I was growing up so having a parent cheering for you in the stands can be profound in a kids development.  Your stories are our success and for that we are forever grateful.

As I hope is clear from this month’s note- your messages mean the world to me. They motivate me in my personal life as well as the decisions we make as a business. If any of you feel compelled to share with us how we have impacted your lives PLEASE email [email protected].

Until next month, fam!

Adam Friden

Chief Executive Officer

Catered Fit Corporation

Netflix Doc I’m Viewing: When They See Us

Book I’m reading: The Only Way to Win by Jim Loehr

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