Adam Friden’s June 2019 CEO Note

Buenas tardes Fit Fam,

Just like that we have nearly reached the midway mark of 2019 and the summer has (almost) officially arrived. Oh, and a happy Father’s Day to all the proud dads out there that are actively involved in their kids lives! Before we all load up the family campers and head out for our summer siestas, let’s have a talk. The topic for this month’s discussion is…YOU!

Adam BEGGING for your feedback.

Good advice is never easy to come by. Getting truthful, unfiltered feedback on how a business can improve their product/service is an even more arduous a task. Unlike most companies today we have our customer service phone lines open for calls twelve hours per day, six days a week, and we employ humans to answer them (because I, myself, HATE automated customer service). In 2019 nearly all of our members handle the majority of their Catered Fit needs through our app/member portal. So why employ so many humans for so many hours each day you ask? Because we want and, more importantly, we NEED your honest feedback!

In 2018 we built an automated survey feature into our back-end tech that helps us understand why people cancel. We study that feedback, especially the constructive criticisms, very closely. The problem is that not many people choose to take the precious little free time they have to share their feedback and I get that. So last month we built a rating system (1-5 stars) into your member port also so that every one of you could share your real time feedback on every meal with the swift click of a button. There is NO WAY we would be where we are today if we didn’t listen to our members feedback and respond and react swiftly.  In many ways I miss the days when I was every members’ personal customer service rep because I always felt like I knew exactly what was going on and I was never shy about asking the hard questions. Listen, when I feel like my loved ones are keeping secrets from me I don’t sleep at night, and I love all of you so from here on out, no more secrets please! I am so committed to making you love our service that I am now officially inviting you to contact me directly. While “pats on the back” are nice I am looking for the hard to hear details that most other business owners are afraid to listen to. Please send all of your raw unadulterated comments and questions to [email protected].

In the past, many of you have made suggestions for website updates and I’m so pleased to announce that we’ve just launched our new site! If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll check it out at and let us know anything that you don’t (or DO) like about the update by emailing me direct at [email protected]. We are *officially* launching our national shipping program on January 1, 2020 so the more feedback we can get from our loyal members now, the better!

Wishing you safe summer travels, mi amors ✌️

Adam Friden

Chief Executive Officer

Catered Fit Corp.

Book I’m reading: Small Giants by Bo Burlingham

What I’m watching: Chernobyl

All natural POISON FREE sunscreen I’m using on my buns this Summer: Bare Republic

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