Best Types of Fish

Baked salmon fish fillet with fresh salad from spinach and tomatoes. Top view on white background.

Since October is National Seafood Month, we thought it would be a great opportunity to “fish around” for some of the best types of seafood to eat. There are tons of different choices when it comes to seafood so we are going to narrow it down to discussing fish. Eating fish two or three times a week can help lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. In fact, eating it regularly can even reduce your risk of heart attack by nearly 40%. Today, we are going to take a look at 3 of the best types of fish to add to your diet: salmon, tuna and rainbow trout.

When choosing fish, there are two major things to consider. The first is the amount of mercury and the second is the amount of omega 3 fatty acids that a fish contains. The dangers of mercury in fish have been popularized by the news in the past, but it should be stated that it still remains a concern, especially in larger fish such as shark and swordfish. On the flipside, choosing fish with high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids is a good thing. Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly important and have a myriad of health benefits, ranging from helping to fight inflammation and improving bone and joint health to helping fight against autoimmune diseases and metabolic syndrome. One good rule to remember is that the fish that have the highest amounts of omega 3 fatty acids contain the lowest amounts of mercury. Salmon, tuna and rainbow trout are all good choices when it comes to following this rule.

The first type of fish we are going to look at is salmon. One look at the salmon selection in the grocery store and you will quickly realize that there are many different types to choose from: Atlantic, pinhook and sockeye just to name a few. Salmon is one of the most heart healthy foods you can choose to eat. In fact, Atlantic salmon has the highest amount of omega 3 fatty acids of all the types of salmon with 1.9 grams in a 2 oz filet. Salmon is also a great source of protein since a 4 oz serving contains nearly 60% of the daily recommended amount of protein.

With over 15 different varieties, the next type of fish that is a great addition to any diet is tuna. Tuna is found all over the world and one of the most readily available types of fish, making it a great replacement for red meat. Just like salmon, it has high levels of omega 3 fatty acids which impact on heart health by helping to reduce cholesterol in the arteries. It is also low in calories and fat but packed with protein – making it an excellent choice for anyone trying to lose weight. One can of tuna has 80% of the daily recommended amount of protein, which is important for young growing and developing kids. Tuna is also an excellent source of vitamins B6, B12 and niacin.

Rainbow trout is also an excellent fish that is a good source of vitamin B12. Farmed rainbow trout is a better choice than wild trout because it raised in freshwater environments protected from contaminants. In addition to being packed with protein like salmon and tuna, rainbow trout is also low in fat. A 3 oz serving contains just 6 grams of total fat, 1.4 grams of saturated fat and is rich in potassium, which can help lower high blood pressure.

Including fish in your diet is so important that the American Heart Association actually recommends eating cooked fish three times a week. While frying up your fish is something you should stay away from, there are plenty of delicious ways to steam, broil or bake your fish. So the next time you are at the grocery, pick up some salmon, tuna or trout and enjoy a tasty alternative to red meat during this National Seafood Month!


“7 Health Benefits of Rainbow Trout”. DoveMed. 13 November 2016. Accessed 29 September 2017.

“13 Benefits of Tuna”. Organic Facts. . Accessed 29 September 2017.

Hobson, Katherine and Allison Underhill. “13 Best Fish – High in Omega 3’s and Environment Friendly”. U.S. News and World Report. 29 June 2016. Accessed 29 September 2017.

Hjadlmarsdottir, Freydis. “17 Science Based Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids”. Healthline. 18 June 2017. Accessed 29 September 2017.

“Health Benefits of Seafood”. Sydney Fish Market. Accessed 29 September 2017.

Young, Lesley. “The Best Types of Fish to Eat if You are Health Conscious”. Reader’s Digest Best Health. Accessed 29 September 2017.

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