Cold Brew vs Iced Coffee

coffee beans

Cold brew coffee is increasing in popularity but as it gains traction, many people begin to wonder: how is it different than a simple iced coffee? There are actually several differences. Let’s go over them and discuss the reasons cold brew is becoming so popular.

The main differences between cold brew and iced coffee

The biggest three differences between the cold brew and iced coffee are:

  • As the name implies, cold brew is brewed cold – it is never heated up while iced coffee is coffee brewed hot and then chilled, generally by pouring it over ice.
  • Cold brew is twice as concentrated as your typical cup of coffee.
  • Cold brew is less bitter, more chocolatey, and smoother. On the other hand, iced coffee is just traditionally prepared coffee that’s been poured over ice. It’s generally a bit thinner because it’s watered down by the ice.

Comparing the brewing methods

Cold brew starts with coffee that’s been ground to a coarse setting and is steeped in room temperature water. Generally, it’s steeped for at least 12 hours though the process can be much longer. It’s then filtered so you get a cup that’s free of grounds. It is never exposed to heat. Time is the method of extracting the oil, sugar, and caffeine from the grounds.
Iced coffee is brewed just like any other cup of coffee. It may be brewed through a traditional brewer, via pour over, a French press, or any other method of hot coffee brewing. It’s then poured over ice.

Some people used cold brew as a concentrate

Cold brew is created via a very bean-intensive process. The result is a concentrate that’s much bolder and stronger than you’d find with a typical cup of coffee. It’s not quite as strong as iced espresso but it packs quite a punch! In fact, you can expect that it has about double the caffeine compared to a regular cup.
Since it’s so strong, many people choose to dilute it. They’ll add milk, water, or ice, generally at a ratio of 1 part to 1 part, though many people drink it straight.
The real difference between brewing methods
When you heat coffee, it goes through an oxidation process. This can bring out unpleasant flavors and is the reason that coffee will taste stale after sitting out for just an hour or two. Cold brew can hold up to time much better and doesn’t have the bitterness that regular drip coffee can have.
Catered Fit’s Cold Pressed Coffee
If you’re interested in trying cold brew coffee, Catered Fit can deliver 12 ounces of raw, cold-pressed coffee to you daily! Our Guatemalan-grown Arabica coffee is never exposed to high temperatures that release acids from the beans, meaning you can taste its full fruitiness and chocolaty, nutty flavor.

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